A selection of Jewish melodies will be performed by the family duo Pavla Jarodová Vondráčková and Eliana Vondráčková Jahodová
On August 11th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Can you name ten plagues of Egypt? Do you know where the Jews were in slavery, how long they wandered in the desert and what happened during that time? You will find answers to all these questions and many more at the exhibition, which tells the story of the Passover Haggadah. The authors of the exhibition are Pavlína Šulcová and illustrator and artist David Kalika (Kakalík)
Concert of a music group which focuses on free, unorthodox interpretation of Jewish songs from Central and Eastern Europe. The concert takes place on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture and the Úštěk Fair and is a reminder of the local Jewish community.
On August 13th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Exhibition of Helga Weiss - Hošková, an academic painter, depicting life in the Terezín ghetto, where the author spent three years as a girl. During her three-year stay in Terezín, she created more than a hundred drawings of unique artistic and documentary value, depicting life in the ghetto as seen through the eyes of a child between the ages of twelve and fourteen.
The exhibition is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2023
The group Neshama (The Soul) will perform a mixture of Jewish folk music and contemporary Israeli songs in the synagogue in Úštěk.
Entrance fee 90CZK
Minisérie fotografických portrétů představí příběhy několika československých pilotů a mechaniků, kteří působili v izraelské armádě v době vzniku Státu Izrael a kteří se zde natrvalo usadili.
Výstava je doplněna historickými předměty, zapůjčenými muzeem E. Helda v Zákupech.
After a successful concert last year, Aida Mujacic comes with more songs in Ladino
Concert by Jiří and Dominika Hošek on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture
Concert of Peter Györi and his guests
On August 14th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
The exhibition of black and white photographs by J. Guth presents details and nostalgic shots from Jewish cemeteries
Výstava provázející pomocí ilustrací, krátkých textů a občasných komiksových bublin historií Židů, kteří se usadili a žili v Čechách a na Moravě.
Židovské písně v podání Petry Ernyeiové s doprovodem kytary a kontrabasu
More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Koncert Aidy Mujačič. Aida přišla studovat do Prahy z Bosny a Hercegoviny. Doma absolvovala hru na klavír na Střední hudební škole, poté pokračovala ve studiích v Rijece, nakonec v Sarajevu. Získala stipendium české vlády ke studiu hudební vědy na Univerzitě Karlově
Eva Kosáková se intenzivně věnuje výrobě šperků z různých, především recyklovaných materiálů, i kolážím z netradičních materiálů, například z motýlích křídel. Této své vášni věnuje od doby, kdy ukončila celoživotní kariéru historičky umění v Židovském muzeu. Výstava je prodloužena do 31. 10. 2021
Výstava unikátních fotografií, dokumentujících průběh renovace Tóry
Concert and a workshop of Aida Mujačič from Bosnia. Participants in the workshop will learn one Jewish song rooted in the Medieval Spain.
Exhibition of paintings by American illustrator,
holder of the Gratias Agit prize, awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Czech Republic for raising public awareness of Czech culture.
On 15 panels of this exhibition many so far unpublished photographs are shown together with other archive material from the visit of President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk to the Holly Land in 1927.
Textile paintings by Israeli artist Chedva Meroz
The third year of The Jewish Monuments Day in the Czech Republic will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2019. More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Jewish motives in pictures by art history specialist and painter Eva Kosaková
Komentovaná prohlídka synagogy, rabínského domu a židovského hřbitova. Vstup zdarma
Výstava fotografií Martina Lazaroviče - ornitologa, průvodce a fotografa přírody
Free admission
Kytarový recitál Josefa Gulšbauera
Cycle of drawings by an American author devoted to Jewish monuments reconstructed in the years 2010 – 2014
The exhibition presents the activities of The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. The task of this institution is the research into the problematics of cultural assets stolen or confiscated from the victims of the II World War, identification of these assets and the questions connected with their restitution to the rightful owners or their descendants. The visitor is acquainted through texts and photographic material with the fate of particular art collections and with the fate of their owners.
Reduced entrance fee 10 CZK
Výstava fotografii Lukáše Falteiska a obrazů Máří Mikšaníkové
Concert - PRO ARTE BOHEMICA, M. Ambrosi – historic flutes, P. Žďárská – harpsichord, Admission 205 CZK
Reduced entrance fee
Exhibition of paintings
Photographs by Zdeněk Zrůst. Opening of the exhibition 2.4. at 3 p.m.