On August 11th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
The exhibition in the synagogue
The exhibition of jewellery by Adéla Kodoňová in the rabbinical house
Lecture by Dalibor Papoušek at the Jewish Community House
Concert of the composer and multi-instrumentalist Jan Slavík in the Boskovice Synagogue. Entrance fee CZK 250
On August 13th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
Koncert v boskovické synagoze, vstupné dobrovolné
Lecture by Maria Wetteri held in Jewish Municipal House
Concert in the synagogoue
Exhibition by Dusan Scholtz
Concert by Ján Kopcak
Exhibition of P. Piňos photographs
Exhibition of photographs showing places where Jewish synagogues stood in the past. The contours of these buildings are engraved in paper.
On August 14th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
Lectures, concert, walk through the Jewish quarter. Free entry
Koncert cimbálové muziky v rámci pásma Koncerty s hvězdičkou
Pořad hudebního publicisty J. Hocka v Židovském obecním domě
Výstava snímků židovských Boskovic K.V. Altrichtera
More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Koncert ostravské klezmerové skupiny Mamalör
A talk programme by journalist J. Hock
Concert, entrance for free
Screening of a silent film from 1920 with improvised music reacting to the film and the spacious synagogue of Boskovice. The music stems from the musical experience of all persons taking part in the production. The music is historical and ethnical which is the field of Vlastislav Matoušek, Associate Professor of HAMU (The Academy of Performing Arts) and his musical partner in the authentic ensemble Schola specialis familiae Kateřina Vožická. Authentic music of Sephardic Jews is presented by Bosnia native signer Aida Mujačič who is joined by jazz double bass player Jozef Láska, Jurij Nikelskij who play various ethnic instruments and rock violoncello player Karel Žďárský.
The third year of The Jewish Monuments Day in the Czech Republic will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2019. More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Documentary exhibition prepared by the Terezin Memorial
Výstava představí dosavadní výzkum pracovníků Ústavu pro studium totalitních režimů, založený na rozhovoru s pamětníky a nově objevených dokumentech NKVD.
Free admission
Tours of the synagogue, the mikve and the Jewish community house with a rich cultural program
Music of the Spirit
Exhibition documenting the relationship between Czechoslovakia and the State of Israel during communism
of lectures on judaism held at the Jewish Municipal House
Exhibition of postcards from the
years 1883 – 1933 from the collection of František
Výstava fotografií Jaroslava Gutha v synagoze
Reduced entrance fee 10 CZK
Festival for the Jewish Quarter of Boskovice
Senior Club – the lecture "Jewish memorials of Brno" – present and extinct (e.g. the only active Synagogue in Moravia). The Brno Jewish Cemetery.
Individual and guided tours of the synagogue and the Jewish Municipal House
The exhibition presents the activities of The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. The task of this institution is the research into the problematics of cultural assets stolen or confiscated from the victims of the II World War, identification of these assets and the questions connected with their restitution to the rightful owners or their descendants. The visitor is acquainted through texts and photographic material with the fate of particular art collections and with the fate of their owners.
Senior Club – the lecture "Jewish families from Boskovice who lived in Brno and became also well-known throughout the world (e.g. family Placzek)"
Mr. and Mrs. Meca, graduates of the VŠMU Bratislava, in concert of music from Baroque, through Romanticism up to the music of 20 Century
History of the Jewish settlement in Brno in context with the Jewish history of Boskovice.
Concert of vocal and instrumental works by
Salomon Rossi performed by Brno Ecumenical Choir and chamber ensemble
(transverse flute, viola da gamba, cembalo, violoncello). The public will
also learn about the life of
Salomon Rossi and Jewish life in Italian Mantua.
Remembrance gathering at the occasion of anniversary of the deportation of Jews of Boskovice
Reduced entrance fee
A play about the Queen Esther of Persia: performed by M. Neuwirth, M. Sochor and children of the Jewish Community of Prague, the synagogue at 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Admission 30 CZK
Guided tours from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., entrance free
Lecture by Petr Vítámvás, MBA, Jewish Municipal House at 5 p.m.
A meeting held to commemorate the anniversary of deportation of Jews from Boskovice, Synagogue at 5.30 pm.
Leo Eitinger was born 12th December 1912.