Concert of a music group which focuses on free, unorthodox interpretation of Jewish songs The concert takes place on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture.
On August 11th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
A patchwork exhibition inspired by real windows of Czech and Moravian synagogues.
Jewish Culture Festival
Dvoudenní program v Polné vede J. A. Haidler
Lecture by Jan Prchal and Klara Dvorakova
Exhibition of photographer František Štohanzl.
Aida Mujačič, Ewa Zurakowska and Svetlana Sarkisjan in a musical collage of songs from Balkan, Caucasus and Eastern Europe
On August 13th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
The exhibition, on loan from the National Archives in Prague, represents a collection of extraordinary value, providing a reliable picture of the internal development of settlements and their topography and documenting, among other things, the economic and social state of the Jewish population in the Czech lands.
Přednáška docenta Martina Jemelky o židovských podnikatelích a výrobcích obuvi
Účinkuje Frída Oratorová, cimbalistka a zpěvačka
6. ročník festivalu židovské kultury
Jewish cemeteries in Jaroslav Guth's Photographs
At the end of the season, the closing ceremony of the exhibition "Light from behind the shadows" will take place in the presence of the authors of the book of the same name.
Concert by Jiří Hošek and Dominika Weis Hošková at the occasion of European Days of Jewish Culture
On August 14th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
The exhibition
Festival of Jewish culture
Exhibition of large-format photographs of the Czech landscape by Lubomír Stiburek, taken from an unusual perspective
Koncert při příležitosti Evropského dne židovské kultury a k připomínce polenské židovské komunity, na němž vystoupí Peter Györi a jeho hosté
More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Výstava obrazů Magdaleny Rajnišové, jejichž hlavními tématy jsou světlo, poušť a hlavně zaujetí starodávnými biblickými příběhy.
Concert of the jazz singer Petra Ernyei
Exhibition of israeli art quilt by Ch. Meroz
Výstava obrazů amerického autora
Concert by Jiří Hošek and Dominika Weis Hošková at the occasion of European Days of Jewish Culture
Exhibition of photographs by Pavlína Schultz and Pavel Štěpánek
The third year of The Jewish Monuments Day in the Czech Republic will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2019. More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
An exhibition of photographs by Martin Lazarovič
3. ročník festivalu židovské kultury v Polné
On 15 panels of this exhibition many so far unpublished photographs are shown together with other archive material from the visit of President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk to the Holly Land in 1927.
Dvě divadelní představení a hudební recitál připravené přímo Polnou. Účinkují A. Haidler, J. Gušlbauer a O. Šrámek
Jewish motives in pictures by art history specialist and painter Eva Kosaková
Exhibition of abstract photo by Harry Farkas
Free admission
výstava připravená Památníkem Terezín
Cultural program commemorating the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel
Veselá taškařice pro malé i velké v podání dětského divadelního souboru Feigele
Exhibition of postcards from the years 1883 – 1933 from the collection of František Bányai
An exhibition from the collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague
Reduced entrance fee 10 CZK
The exhibition presents the activities of The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. The task of this institution is the research into the problematics of cultural assets stolen or confiscated from the victims of the II World War, identification of these assets and the questions connected with their restitution to the rightful owners or their descendants. The visitor is acquainted through texts and photographic material with the fate of particular art collections and with the fate of their owners.
A three day cultural program bringing life to the synagogue and the Rabin house
The photographs from the years 1975 till 2015
Reduced entrance fee
Klezmer Ensemble "Flying Rabbi" - concert. Synagogue at 3 p.m.
Beginning of Life – Photographs by Petr Klukan. Synagogue. Vernissage 16.4. at 5 p.m.
Zita Honzlová - Recital of Hebrew and Yiddish songs, Synagogue at 5:30 p.m.