On August 11th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Festival of Jewish Culture
Lecture by Professor Jaroslav Čechura
The exhibition presents the life of several young Jewish girls imprisoned in the Terezín ghetto, their hardships, small joys and friendships. The exhibition is prepared by the Jewish Museum in Prague.
The exhibition on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture documents the journey of the first Czechoslovak president T.G.Masaryk to the territory of today's State of Israel
On August 13th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Festival židovské kultury připomene výročí 150+1 let od založení krnovské synagogy, Celý program na www.synagogakrnov.cz
Výstava 18 současných českých a polských umělců, docentů a profesorů, kteří stylem jim vlastním svým a technikou svého oboru zpracovali umělecké dílo související s bytím či nebytím židovského národa. Formou plastik, reliéfů, zpracováním skla, fotografiemi či za pomocí umělé inteligence se pokouší ztvárnit a uchopit tuto tématiku.
The exhibition was created to remember the 30th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between the former Czechoslovakia and the State of Israel.
Výstava zapůjčená Národním archivem v Praze představuje soubor neobyčejné hodnoty, podávající spolehlivý obraz vnitřního rozvoje sídel a jejich topografii a dokumentující mimo jiné hospodářský a sociální stav židovského obyvatelstva v českých zemích.
Exhibition of photographs by Štěpán Bartoš
Discussion evening, free admission, held on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture
Concert of the Gideon String Trio, held on the occasion of the European Days of Jewish Culture, entrace fee 150 CZK
On August 14th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
Festival of Jewish culture
Beseda s Davidem Vávrou a Radovanem Lipusem
Concert, entrance fee 200 CZK
More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Katarína Ševčíková belongs to the most sought for harpist not only over here. With her brilliant playing technique, technical knowledge and charm she captivated and delighted audience in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Scandinavia where she regularly plays in concerts.
Malý festival židovské kultury
Benefit concert - a reminder of the victim of the Shoah to the local Jewish community
Exhibition of paintings by American author Mark Podwal
Lenka Lichtenberg will take you on a journey covering traditional Jewish songs her own compositions as well a s modern music.
The third year of The Jewish Monuments Day in the Czech Republic will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2019. More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Concert of klezmer music in the interpretation of an east -Slovakian folk band
The exhibition presents the activities of The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. The task of this institution is the research into the problematics of cultural assets stolen or confiscated from the victims of the II World War, identification of these assets and the questions connected with their restitution to the rightful owners or their descendants. The visitor is acquainted through texts and photographic material with the fate of particular art collections and with the fate of their owners.
Lecture by Lenka Hoffmanová and data projection of photographs from the sports games Maccabi held in Berlin 2015
The children theater of the Jewish Community of Prague FEIGELE in the new version of the story of Golem.
Exhibition on photos by Jindřich Buxbaum
Lecture by Dr. Tomáš Kraus, the Executive Director of the Federation od Jewish Communities in Czech RepublicPřednáška tajemníka Federace židovských obcí v ČR, JUDr. Tomáše Krause
An exhibition of photographs by Martin Lazarovič
The main goal of these concerts is to pay tribute to Czech Jewish
composers. Works by Pavel Haas, Viktor Ullman and Gideon Klein will be
performed as well as works of contemporary music based on Jewish themes
in Bohemia.Hlavním
cílem koncertů je
uctění památky českých skladatelů židovského původu. Na programu budou
proto skladby Pavla Haase, Viktora Ullmanna a Gideona Kleina, a také současná
hudba související s židovskou tematikou v českých zemích
Exhibition documenting the relationship between Czechoslovakia and the State of Israel during communism
Free admission
Moravian Jazz Duo – a concert of the jazz series „Jazz (not only) at the synagogue”
Concert of a jazz pianist and composer, admission fee 100 CZK, children, students, seniors and disabled visitors 50 CZKKoncert jazzového pianisty a skladatele, vstupné 100,-Kč, děti, studenti, senioři, ZTP 50,-Kč
An exhibition documenting the life of Jews in Bohemia in the 20 Century
Concert of Dominka Hošková and Jiří Hošek, admission fee 100 CZK, children, students, seniors and disabled visitors 50 CZK
Festival of Tu Bi´shevat in the synagogue and in the winter prayer-room from 6 p.m.
Pietní setkání
An exhibition from the collection of the Jewish Museum in Prague
Lighting of the new chanukija in the garden of the synagogue, history and tradition of this holiday and a festive get-together in the house called “By the Synagogue”
sung and played by Zita Honzlová at the occasion of the Simchat Thorah holiday.U příležitosti svátku Simchat Tóra hraje a zpívá Zita Honzlová
Reduced entrance fee 10 CZK
Exhibition documenting the life of Polish Jews in the 16 – 18 century. Opening 15.6. at 5 p.m.
A reminder of the history and relevance of this holiday, the symbols and traditions of Shavuot.
Exghibition of paintings by Josef Ondrášek
The celebration of the Jewish holiday Purim
Jewish holiday Sukkot
Jewish music of the Central Europe region – concert at the occasion of Rosh Hashanah 5777. Admission 100 CZK, students free
Reduced entrance fee
Zita Honzlová plays hebrew and yiddish songs in the synagogue at 7 p.m.. Voluntary admission.
Festival of Shavuot in the synagogue and in the winter prayer-room from 9.30 p.m.
Hebrew songs. Concert at 6 p.m., voluntary admission
Chasidim in Mikulov, Jews in London. Photographs by Jindřich Buxbaum. Opening of the exhibition 1.4. at 5 p.m.
Purim party at the winter prayer-romm at 6 p.m.
The remembrance meeting at 6 p.m.