On August 11th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Ranní komentované procházky po stopách jičínských Židů
Večerní prohlídky židovské školy a synagogy s hudbou
Výstava patchworku v židovské škole
Přednáška ředitele institutu Terezínské iniciativy T. Krause
Concert in the synagogue
The exhibition prepared by Jewish museum in Prague
Composite programme with images and music
Two guided tours
Talking about important but unjustly neglected Czech-German-Jewish personalities. Full day program
The concert takes place as part of the European Days of Jewish Culture, entrance fee voluntary
On August 13th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Výstava kolektivu autorek
On August 14th more than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction
Concert in the Jičín Synagogue, entrance fee CZK 150
An exhibition documenting the relations between the Jewish and Czech peoples.
Výtvarné úterní dílny pro děti a rodiče v Židovské 100
An exhibition presenting the history of Jews who settled and lived in Bohemia and Moravia with the help of illustrations, short texts and occasional comic bubbles.
Exhibition commemorating the history of the Czech press in Vienna
Koncert Magdy Uhlířové v jičínské synagoze, vstupné dobrovolné
Páteční hudební večery
The lecture by M. Příhoda
Exhibition of works by Israeli artist Chedva Meroz
The program of exhibitions, which will take place in the Jičín Synagogue and in Židovská 100 - the former Jewish school
Přednáška prof. P. Hoška, PhDr.
Admission is voluntary
More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Přednáška hebraistky L. Uličné po které bude následovat workshop k seznámení se základy hebrejštiny.
Přednáška hebraistky J. Kracíkové v Židovské 100, vstupné dobrovolné.
Exhibition of an Israeli photo documentarian
Věra Jourová, the Euro-Commissioner for justice, consumer and equality of women and men will take part in two public discussions on the activities of The European Committee focused at elimination of antisemitism. The first discussion will take place in Jičín in the hall at Židovská 100 and the second the same day at 20:00 in the Turnov Synagogue.
Minifestival of Jewish culture – guided tour of the Jewish cemetery at 10 a.m, lecture at 2 pm.m. and a concert at 6 p.m.
The third year of The Jewish Monuments Day in the Czech Republic will take place on Sunday, August 11, 2019. More than 50 selected Jewish monuments in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will be open for free, allowing visitors to visit cemeteries and synagogues that are not usually accessible, or recently underwent an expensive reconstruction.
Victoria Hanna se narodila do rodiny rabína. Vyrůstala obklopena posvátnými texty. Jako dítě koktala, zpěv jí umožňoval vyjadřovat se bez zadrhávání. Práci s písmeny a hlasem v dospělosti přetavila do jedinečné metody vyjadřování - kromě zpěvu se dnes věnuje i vedení hlasových seminářů. Zpívá tradiční biblické a kabalistické texty, které ženy ještě před sto lety nemohly studovat, a zpívá je moderním hudebním způsobem. Experimentuje, zkoumá prostor, hledá nová vyjádření pro starou moudrost. Přísnou ortodoxní tradici, která mimo jiné zakazuje ženám zpívat na veřejnosti, odvážně překračuje, zkoumá nové možnosti, přesto zůstává hluboce spirituální ženou.
Vernissage of the exhibition with the attendance of Václava Janečková, author, writer and researcher
With Miša Vidláková on her childhood in the Terezín’ Ghetto and growing up in the fifties of the last Century.
Discussion on culture in Jicin
Přednáška Terezie Dubinové, PhD.
přednáška Bc. Jana Šorfa s diskusí o lesoparku Čeřovka
Minifestival of Jewish culture – guided tour of the Jewish cemetery, lecture and a concert.
Free admission
An exhibitions of photographs by Lukáš Falteisek and pictures by Máří Mikšaníková
East-European Jewish music played by Slovak interpreters
The exhibition presents the activities of The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. The task of this institution is the research into the problematics of cultural assets stolen or confiscated from the victims of the II World War, identification of these assets and the questions connected with their restitution to the rightful owners or their descendants. The visitor is acquainted through texts and photographic material with the fate of particular art collections and with the fate of their owners.
A concert of violinist Jana Kubánková
Exhibition of paintings by Martina Řeháková in ŽIdovská 100, open on weekends
About the book and other topics with Erik Tabery, journalist, writer and Chief Editor of Respekt magazine
Lecture and presentation by Terezie Dubinová
The righteous who saved Jews during the II. World War: Timeless stories of heroism and hope. Lecture by Terezie Dubinová in the auditorium at Židovská Str. 100. Voluntary entrance fee
Exhibition of photographs by Roman Böhnisch at Židovská Str. 100
Minifestival od Jewish culture – guided tour of the Jewish cemetery, lecture and a concert.
Reduced entrance fee 10 CZK
Music of Jewish and contemporary Israeli composers.
Exhibition lent by the Institution for the Study of
Totalitarian Regimes
DUO VOSY – Klezmer Music – Jewish School at 19:00
Photographs by Robin Böhnisch
Klezmer Gypsy World Music
A unique lecture on Jewish education in Jičín and its vicinity.
Exhibition of photographs by cameraman Peter Wolf
Lecture by Terezie Dubinová, entrance fee voluntary
The Jewish School, Židovská 100, Jičín
Lecture by Leo Pavlát, Director of the Jewish Museum in Prague, at the occasion of the 74 anniversary of the transport of Jičín Jews to the concentration camp.
The Jewish school, ŽIdovská 100
A lecture by Ms. Zuzana Prudilová, member of the Jewish Community of Brno, with the subtitle: To be a woman and a Jewish women at that was always difficult in the world of science …..
10 a.m.- a guided tour of the Jewish cemetery,
2 p.m. - a lecture by actor, director and translator J .A. Haidler, The Jewish school, Židovská 100
6 p.m. - „OYF A VEG – ONTHE ROAD“ - concert of Klezmer band Simcha in the synagogue
Reduced entrance fee
Exhibition of paintings by academic painter Zuzana Kadlecová, vernissage will be held on 2 July at 6 p.m.
Lecture by Czech-Israel architect Daniel Ziss
Jewish school, Židovská 100, 8. June 2016 at 6 p.m.
The exhibition VEDEM was loaned by the Terezin Memorial. The exhibition will be opened by students of “ Přírodní škola“ , Prague with a program of songs based on the motives of works of Terezin children.
Jewish school, Židovská 100, openning on 2 June at 5 p.m.
Dana Krausová – vocal, Ladislav Vrchota – piano. Concert in the synagogue at 6 p.m.
Jewish school, Židovská 100,
11. May 2016 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Public readings at unusual venues.
The Jewish school, Židovská 100
7 March 2016 at 6 p.m.
„Vaclav Havel here and now“ a lecture given by Michal Žantovský – a diplomat, English language translator, interpreter, psychologist, journalist, writer of lyrics, politician, close friend and colleague of Vaclav Havel, Director of the Václav Havel Library and last but not least successful author of the latest Václav Havel biography.
Memento of the Last Jewish Community in Jičín
The Jewish school, Židovská 100
21 January 2016 at 6 p.m.
Anna Sedláíčková, student, will in her lecture present the outcome of a unique and thorough research based on original and secondary reference and on memories of survivors.
Old-new Threat – Russian Propaganda and Conspiratorial Theorie
The Jewish school, Židovská 100
14 January 2016 at 6 p.m.
Ms, Ivana Smoleňová, security analyst of the Prague Institute of Security Studies will in her lecture and the following talk draw attention to the fact that unfortunately anti-Semitism and use of ideology in propaganda is not a thing of past.
Reminder of 72nd anniversary of the transport of Jews in Jičín
Jičín Synagogue
January 10, 2016 at 17:00 p.m.